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7 Basic Questions to Ask a Health Coach Before Hiring Them

You’re bound to have questions when you first meet with a Health Coach. After all, for the interaction between coach and client to be productive, it must benefit both sides, and many clients are unsure what to anticipate during health coaching sessions. Having your questions addressed might help you pick the best coach for you and push your wellness journey forward!

What Is Health Coaching?

Health coaching collaborates with a health practitioner who helps you develop and achieve a “healthier you.” The health coach uses an individualized, holistic approach to wellness and guides clients on their path to health and self-care.

7 Basic Questions to Ask a Health Coach 

When deciding what questions to ask new or potential Health Coaches, it’s critical to plan ahead of time. Coaches that are well-organized will be able to guide you through a basic overview of their scope of practice, what services they provide, and how they work with clients, but you may have questions relevant to your circumstance. Having them available in advance enables you to determine whether the coach fits your requirements.

Questions to Ask a Health Coach

1. Why Did You Become a Health Coach?

This question provides insight into your coach’s personal philosophy behind health, wellness, and motivating clients. Use this information to decide whether your beliefs and values align with the coach’s goals.

2. What Is Your Philosophy for Health Coaching?

A coach’s philosophy is their guiding principles for coaching, their understanding of the human psyche and how it relates to health and wellness, and their approach to clients. A good coach will offer a concise summary of their philosophy at the beginning of their work together.

3. How Do You Work With Clients?

Find out what the process will be like. Make sure you’re comfortable with the coach’s expectations and communication style before you begin working together.

4. How Much Will the Coaching Session Cost?

Compare services and set your budget. Expenditures for health coaching vary, but a good health coach will be able to offer you a general idea of what to expect.

5. What Does the Coaching Session Look Like?

How will you meet? Will the coach send you homework? Will you be working on your health goals communally or privately? What do you need to make the most of your time spent with the coach?

6. Do You Hold Any Certifications?

Certifications can help you know whether a coach’s knowledge and experience are adequate for your needs. There are different coach certifications such as LDN Certified Coach and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. The International Coaching Federation provides a list of coach certifications that you can review.

7. How Will You Communicate Between Sessions?

Technology works wonders, so find out what tools and resources your coach will use to keep you connected during and between coaching sessions. This includes how your coach will provide support and follow-up, as well as how you’ll be able to reach them outside of scheduled sessions.


Health coaches are trained to guide you on a path to improved health and wellness. Whether you want to lose weight, manage chronic pain, or cure digestive issues, a Health Coach can guide you to more effective self-care and lead you toward a healthier you. Remember, you’re the one who hires your health coach; it’s crucial to find a good match for your needs. Take the time to learn about your coaches and determine if they’re the best fit for you.

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