
20+ years experience in Yoga and wellness

Mission Statement 

We are committed to sharing the wisdom of yoga, personal training, senior exercise programs, Life Coaching, and motivational stories. We educate and train to bring greater health, happiness, and wellbeing into the lives of those in our community. We strive to encourage and help individuals develop their potential by believing they can reach their goals.

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When I first arrived at my current retirement community, I had severe lower back problems which prevented my standing or walking for any significant length of time. I also had balance problems due to peripheral neuropathy in my lower legs and severe inner ear problems. When I first met with Mishell, she asked me what it was that I wanted to accomplish. We began working on these goals. As goals were accomplished we established new ones and have been proceeding along these lines for over three years. Through extensive core training, strength and stamina training, and balance and flexibility training through Yoga, I am currently in very good physical condition for a 78-year-old. I strongly recommend Mishell as a personal trainer for anyone who wants to improve their health and physical condition.
Quinton Holton II, LTC (Retired)
I have known Mishell for over twenty years, and as the saying goes, "She is simply the Best." Mishell has so much knowledge about how our bodies work that she automatically tailors her workouts to fit each customer's unique body. I travel the world, and every time I return home, I use Mishell's skills to bring me back to the center and clean up my habits. I am now 85, and I feel fantastic. Mishell's unique approach to a healthy body for all her clients is precisely what we need. Pick up your phone and book a session with Mishell. It will pay you tremendous dividends. If you have any questions about how and why I feel strongly about Mishell's skill sets, call me. I will be pleased to share why I love this lady. Onwards and Upwards
Peter Thomas
Mishell has gone outside the box in keeping me on track with fitness and exercise, and is willing to push me just a little bit further in helping me with the difficulties associated with my Parkinson’s Disease. She takes a deep interest in her profession, is enthusiastic, supportive and compassionate, and I am truly lucky to have her.
Dr. Arnie Kahn
I have had the pleasure of working with Mishell for several years and have noticed improvements in my physical skills. She is a joy to work with and a very nice and caring person.
Dr. Don Lee
Having Mishell work with our residents is such a huge benefit to them. They always enjoy seeing her and doing the workouts with her. She works with them to help build strength and improve balance and her services are very beneficial to our residents. Additionally, her kind and positive spirit truly does lift the hearts and moods of everyone she comes in contact with. We are so grateful for her!
Jamie Kimmel Schaub
Constant Care Homes
I strongly recommend Mishell Elliston as a Life Coach, Mishell has the skill of being very present - indeed she is a present - and supportive. I was feeling stuck in my career and feeling overwhelmed when I called her, it was such a relief when Mishell came to my home and gave me the first Life Coaching session. From then on I always was looking forward to her insights and suggestions. I am very grateful of Mishell’s work on solving my past challenges.
Thank you, Norma Kline
Mishell was a godsend to me during a turbulent time in my life. Although the majority of time during our sessions was devoted to fitness they always began with a calming chat. We discussed how I was doing, feeling and progressing through my trials and tribulations and those few minutes were enough to lighten my load and raise my spirits. I looked forward to my sessions and they left me feeling empowered and satisfied with my self. I would recommend Mishell’s coaching to any one in need of guidance and help with the stress of life.
Thank you, Patricia A., Florida

Policies Covid &
New Client forms

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New Clients

Welcome New Clients. Please click on the link below to fill out the new client questionnaire

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Eightlimfit Policies and Procedures

Clients are solely responsible for reading and following our guidelines to ensure an enjoyable and safe experience. By attending a class, you agree to our procedures and policies.

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Covid Policy

All clients must sanitize hands before using any equipment. The sanitizer will be made available. Trainers will wash hands thoroughly, as well as disinfect every surface area on equipment between each client.

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