
Here’s How You Can Best Deal With Divorce-Related Curveballs

At Eightlimfit, we run into our fair share of clients who need help because of the difficulties they experience with their divorce procedures.

The process of legal separation often proves to be complicated. The reason for this is that it is much more emotionally charged than other types of legal cases. As emotions boil over and cause turbulence during the settlement process, parties seeking separation are bound to run into their fair share of curveballs. 

The problem with these unforeseen obstacles is that they come with even more issues that can be incredibly overwhelming to deal with

Having curveballs thrown at you? Here’s how you can swing them out of the park

It is an irrefutable fact that the divorce process and its associated curveballs are difficult to deal with. However, it’s important to remember that these problems—like any other issue you’ll face—can be conquered. Overcoming the hurdles you’re facing begins with making changes and plans that begin with yourself! 

To help you overcome the stressful process of legal separation, we’re going to share some of the most important key points that our professional divorce coaches believe are most crucial to follow:

Be aware of the language in your mind—and then shift it.

You might not realize it, but the difficulties that you’re experiencing with your divorce are exacerbated by how you talk to yourself. Once you start changing the way you talk internally when confronting the situation you’re dealing with, that’s when good changes will begin to take place. 

By changing the words you use to describe your situation, you’ll be able to stop feeling like you’re a victim of events that you don’t have control over. Once you start seeing yourself as the ONE person that can change the way you think, feel, and act, you’ll be able to take action and make things easier for yourself well enough to improve the results you get! 

Remember what is in your control.

Having a judge oversee your situation and be on the receiving end of constant arguments may make it seem like you’re strapped to a chair experiencing pain that you can’t avoid. However, going through the legal processes and back-and-forth discussions wherein you’re represented by your lawyer doesn’t mean that there’s nothing that’s in your control.

When you begin to focus on what is within your control instead of trying to change what isn’t, you’ll notice that things will start to lighten up, and you feel a lot more confident in all else that will take place. 

The best way to start remembering what is in your control is by stepping back, taking a breath, and thinking about how you want to feel or respond. In our divorce coaching sessions, we urge clients that come to us to start taking the actions above a habit. When you have a better mindset, it will be a lot easier to deal with any future challenges! 


The inherent difficulties of the divorce process can undoubtedly be taxing on your mind because of the different curveballs it throws at you. But the truth is that when you employ the right mental and emotional approaches, you don’t have to keep suffering. Once you take the proper steps towards being in control of how you feel while moderating the language you use in your head, you’ll be able to resume control over your life! 

At Eightlimfit, we take pride in providing life coaching programs for those going through trying times during their divorce. If you’re looking to take the next step towards staying in control of your situation, get in touch with us today!