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4 Best Practices to Prevent Self-Sabotage in Young Adults

Mental health is as important as physical health. Therefore, addressing concerns that most young adults struggle with today is an excellent way to mitigate issues that lead to further mental health degradation—one of which is self-sabotage.

Self-sabotage is a behavior exhibited by a person who may hold back on everything that they do. In their perspective, their actions aren’t enough to accomplish a goal. As a result, they rarely finish anything and may occur multiple times in their lifetime. Although there are various manifestations of the behavior, most actions sabotage the self of the person and make them feel less than they already are.

However, aside from seeking help from medical experts, what else can the person’s family do to help mitigate the effects of self-sabotage? Here are some examples.

Find a Life Coach

A life coach is a wellness professional that focuses on making people’s lives progress to feel more fulfilled. An expert on various scenarios, life coaches can help people with their relationships, careers, and day-to-day lives.

Opening up about self-sabotage tendencies can become challenging to someone experiencing the condition. The process of sharing can feel like making yourself vulnerable and becoming open to attacks. Therefore, sharing the issues with someone unknown, like a life coach, can make it easier for people to share and reveal their deepest thoughts to help experts evaluate the kind of help they need. 

Create a Daily Routine

Two of the most common triggers for self-sabotage are fear of failure and the need for control. By creating a daily routine the patient can follow, they can feel that they are ready for their tasks for the day. As a result, they should feel in control of their functions while mitigating the risks of failure.

As a result, patients who follow a daily routine should experience fewer attacks related to self-sabotage, making them more productive than how they usually are. In effect, they will not be motivated to cause themselves a failure and act surprised as it happens.

Establish Weekly Meetings

The best way of discussing self-sabotage is to hold a weekly meeting to discuss how the patient feels. Open communication is the best way to understand a patient’s thoughts, ensuring that there will be no judgment on the listening end, no matter how absurd some ideas may be.

The last thing self-sabotage victims should experience is a raised eyebrow towards their struggles in life. In a way, the goal is to become an open ear for them to relay their thoughts into. As a result, patients experiencing the situation should become more open about their feelings and become more vulnerable when asked. In the future, it should be easier for them to relay information regarding how they feel instead of bottling things up.

Ask About Long-Term Goals

Lastly, talk about their goals with them. Keep in mind that self-sabotage includes the urge to make their plans fail to avoid reaching their goals. Therefore, knowing their goals firsthand should give people around them an idea of how to help and let them achieve their goals. In a way, it should serve as the best way to gain more information about what they would do next and how the people around them could help.


Self-sabotage is a difficult thing to experience. Therefore, the best thing people do around those who share it is to lend a helping hand and an ear to listen. As a result, people struggling with the behavior should feel safe and motivated to do more in the future.

Eightlimfit is a company that believes in the power of yoga and the healing it offers. We provide the best life coaches in the country to help people beat their potential and reach success. We also offer fitness classes with fitness trainers to help clients achieve their physical goals. Find a life coach today by logging on to our website to know more.