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How the Best Life Coaches Help with Goal Achievement

Throughout our lives, we are always finding new goals to achieve. These may range from smaller goals such as getting a high grade on your paper to long-term goals such as buying your first home. We all have different goals we want to achieve. But the reality is that some of us may struggle more than others to attain these goals. And that is perfectly fine.

The journey towards our goals isn’t always linear. And we may find ourselves stumbling through it. But what matters is that we continue on. However, if you need a little assistance in achieving your goals, a skilled and experienced life coach can help you get to where you need to be.


The first step to achieving your goals is to define them clearly. That may seem obvious, but goal setting is harder than it looks. Life coaches can help their clients clearly define their goals by asking the right questions. This requires patience and understanding. And sometimes, a life coach would even help their client reshape their goal when they no longer feel motivation or an emotional attachment to the previous one.

Let’s say a client is approaching a life coach to help them lose weight. The life coach may ask them why they want to achieve this goal. And in this example, the client states that they are tired of family and friends making comments about their weight. While the feelings behind this are definitely valid, setting goals according to other people’s opinions and expectations isn’t really advisable. When you set a goal, you must make sure that it’s what you want and not just what other people want for you.

In this case, the life coach may ask the client to reexamine their initial goal. Perhaps they will ask questions and offer guidance so that the client can land on a goal that feels right for them. When your goal is something you really want to achieve for yourself, you will be far more motivated to reach it.

Plan Implementation

Once you have the primary goal all sorted out, your life coach can help you create and implement a plan for your goal achievement. One way to do so is by breaking this larger goal into smaller ones. A life coach would typically do this by using the SMART goal-setting process.

SMART goals are an acronym for “specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-sensitive” goals. Your life coach will help you set SMART goals so that you can better achieve them. They may even create a realistic timeline and schedule to help you stay on track with your goal implementation.


Goal implementation does not just end with setting SMART goals. Your life coach will also monitor your progress and keep you accountable for your goals. When you encounter some trouble through your journey, your life coach will help steer you back in the right direction. They will remind you of your goals and why you’re doing this. Your life coach will also make sure you don’t back down and take shortcuts by making you accountable. And when you’re feeling unmotivated, your life coach can give you inspiring words of encouragement to help you get back on your feet and try again.

Final Thoughts

The best life coaches know how to guide their clients to goal achievement. They start with proper goal setting, plan implementation, and accountability. And when you’re feeling a bit lost on your journey, remember that your life coach is there by your side to help get you where you need to be.

If you need a little help sticking to your goals, Eighlimfit can help you find a life coach best fit for you and your specific needs. We strive to encourage and help individuals develop their potential by believing they can reach their goals. Contact us today to get started! We offer door-to-door service in Phoenix and Scottsdale and virtual sessions nationwide.